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Allyson (Ally) Crays


Allyson (Ally) Crays


Rappaport Center at Boston College Law School


Rappaport Law and Public Policy Fellow



Rappaport Public Policy Fellows spend 10 weeks each summer serving within the highest levels of state and municipal governments in the Greater Boston Area. The program includes students from graduate and professional programs at local universities.

Law School
Northeastern University School of Law

Undergraduate School
Baldwin Wallace University

Office of State Senator Jo Comerford

Allyson “Ally” Crays is a 2L at Northeastern University School of Law (NUSL) and a graduate of Baldwin Wallace University (BW), magna cum laude, in Ohio where she studied Public Health and Political Science. After graduating from BW, she served as a City Year AmeriCorps member in Columbus, Ohio. Over the last five years, Crays has advocated for various menstrual equity policies to increase access to menstrual products, particularly in schools. Throughout this work, she discovered her passion for working with communities to advance policy changes that increase rights for women and LGBTQ+ people. Last fall, she worked as Legal Intern at the ACLU of Massachusetts in the Legislative Department.Currently, she serves on PERIOD.’s Board of Directors and organizes for state level policy with the Massachusetts Menstrual Equity Coalition. At NUSL, she is also pursuing a graduate certificate in Women, Gender, Sexuality, & Law. Last fall, she worked as a Legal Intern at the ACLU of Massachusetts in the Legislative Department. Crays is interested in reproductive justice, menstrual equity, and public policy. This summer, she will be interning in the Office of State Senator Jo Comerford.