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Holly Elwell Bostrom

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Holly Elwell Bostrom


Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston


Rappaport Public Policy Fellow



Rappaport Public Policy Fellows spend 10 weeks each summer serving within the highest levels of state and municipal governments in the Greater Boston Area. The program includes students from graduate and professional programs at local universities.

Graduate School
Tufts University

Undergraduate School
University of Vermont

Vivien Li, Executive Director, The Boston Harbor Association and Rappaport Institute Advisory Board Member

EPA New England Region I

Mel Cote, Manager, Oceans and Coastal Protection Unit

Description of Fellowship
As a Rappaport Public Policy Fellow, Holly was placed at the Environmental Protection Agency – Regional 1 (EPA). This is a federal environmental agency dedicated to the protection of human health and the environment. Her work at EPA focused on climate change and coastal water resources management.