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Photo/Reba Saldanha

Joshua Gladstone

Photo/Reba Saldanha

Joshua Gladstone


Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston


Rappaport Public Policy Fellow



Rappaport Public Policy Fellows spend 10 weeks each summer serving with the highest levels of state and municipal governments in the Greater Boston area. The program includes students from graduate and professional programs at local universities.

Massachusetts Office of Environmental Justice and Equity

Crystal Johnson, Assistant Secretary of Environmental Justice

Jamey Tesler, Taubman Center for State and Local Government and Leah Cardena-Igdalsky, Social Policy Research Associates

Fellowship Description
The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program focuses on climate resilience planning throughout vulnerable environmental justice communities. In particular, Joshua will both be working to apply a disability lens throughout program implementation and also ensuring the active inclusion of disabled voices as representatives of their community’s particular needs throughout the planning process. People with disabilities are often disproportionately impacted by climate disasters and severe weather, yet their voices are overshadowed in environmental preparedness programs and disaster management. By focusing on disability community-based engagement in these conversations, multiply burdened and vulnerable disabled voices can be elevated to ensure their needs are adequately being met and included in the MVP program.