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Joshua Ozer


Joshua Ozer


Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston


Rappaport Public Policy Fellow



Rappaport Public Policy Fellows spend 10 weeks each summer serving within the highest levels of state and municipal governments in the Greater Boston Area. The program includes students from graduate and professional programs at local universities.

Graduate School
 Simmons School of Social Work

Undergraduate School
Rice University

Massachusetts Executive Office for Elder Affairs

Lynn Vidler, Director of Home and Community Based Programs, Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs

Myojung Chung, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Advocacy, Northeastern University and Rappaport Institute Advisory Board member and Kara Jeter, Care Coordinator, Phillips Eye Institute and 2018 Rappaport Public Policy Fellow

Joshua will work on the following projects: 1. Developing an operations manual and guidance document to support the development of a new Community Transitions Liaison Program which will support nursing facility residents who have expressed interest in transitioning to the community. 2. Supporting the implementation of a new hospital to home grant program, which funds partnerships between Aging Services Access Points and acute care hospitals to innovate and improve processes regarding hospital discharges to community. This program is beginning this spring and Joshua may be involved in developing templates for reporting and evaluation as well as curating best practices in MA and elsewhere.