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Justin Galle

Fellow_PublicPolicy_Headshot _Galle_Justin

Justin Galle


Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston


Rappaport Public Finance Fellow



This Rappaport Public Finance Summer Fellowship provides a stipend to students who undertake a project related to public finance. Traditionally these projects have been a continuation of work conducted in Greater Boston Applied Field Lab: Advanced Budgeting, Financial Management and Operations lab offered by Professor Linda Bilmes.

Graduate School
Harvard Kennedy School


Project Description
Justin Galle discovered $5 million that is owed to the MBTA!! Justin worked at the Environmental and Energy Department, which is responsible for ensuring that the T is in compliance with environmental regulations and strategically managing its energy usage. While analyzing the MBTA’s emergency backup traction power facility, Justin discovered a major billing discrepancy in the MBTA’s favor. The MBTA hired him for extra work beyond his summer fellowship to help them plan a way to to reclaim some of the funds.