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Stevie Olson

Fellow_PublicPolicy_Headshot _olson_steve

Stevie Olson


Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston


Rappaport Public Finance Fellow




Connecting the Northeast: A Cost Estimate of the North-South Rail Link

This Rappaport Public Finance Summer Fellowship provides a stipend to students who undertake a project related to public finance. Traditionally these projects have been a continuation of work conducted in Greater Boston Applied Field Lab: Advanced Budgeting, Financial Management and Operations lab offered by Professor Linda Bilmes.

Graduate School
Harvard Kennedy School

Massachusetts’s 6th Congressional District

Project Description
Stevie Olson worked on ‘cost of roads’ research begun in the spring with his HKS student team for the MA 6th Congressional District Office. Stevie expanded upon financial costs associated with the road economy uncovered during the team’s work in Lynn. He also explored and analyzed costs associated with new technologies that will necessitate new considerations in the future.